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DOWNLOAD PDFII/2016 Volume IV COVER+TABLE OF CONTENTS Title of article: Channel Coding in Optical Communication SystemsAuthor: Viktor Durcek, Michal Kuba, Milan DadoDOI: 10. 26552/tac. C. 2016. 2. 1Abstract: In this paper, an outline of a whole lot of types of error correcting codes is latest. 1: Research Motivation A. Gkoulalas Divanis and Loukides, 2011 As shown in Figure 1. 1, matlab programming motivational importance of matlab programming field is to allow matlab programming collaboration of clinical data by privacy maintenance and data retaining utility although HISs are known to at once affect patient care in both beneficial and poor ways and to encourage work and research in matlab programming area of data confidentiality and privacy renovation in a whole lot of areas, particularly in matlab programming healthcare sector Collaborative Healthcare information Management Systems CHIMS Cancer is matlab major public health problem in arising international locations. According to matlab programming International Agency for Research on Cancer Dey and Soliman, 2010, matlab programming rate burden of cancer is rising. Almost 70% of cancer cases are from low and middle income nations LMICs. Two thirds of matlab programming world population is living in matlab programming Arab world and Asia, which also has matlab programming biggest regional concentration of LMICs. invokeNodesAbstractParentProcessingNode. java:78at org. apache. cocoon. accessories. treeprocessor.